Welcome to Trainium!

Trainium is a gym and health center which offers you an all-around facility, with both machines and free weights and a lot of space for functional training. You can do your own work-out, train with one of our personal trainers or take part in our group training classes. We offer advice concerning diet, rehab, lifestyle changes and motivation. We also help athletes with sport-specific strength and conditioning programmes.

We also have a physiotherapist in our team who offers physiotherapy and massage.

The reception is open (summer):
Monday-Wednesday 10-12 & 16-17:30
Thursday 10-12
Friday 10-12 & 15-16
Saturday closed
Sunday closed.

With your Trainum-card you can visit the gym 5:05-22:55 every day! The building is alarmed from 23:00 in the evening until 5:00 in the morning!

For prices and more information, contact us at: +358442382706 or Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den..